In case you've stumbled across this place randomly, I'm a gamer who plays all sorts of things from Sims 3, to World of Warcraft, to Super Smash Bros.
I've been a fairly active member of the Sims 3 community over the past six months, posting photos on my blog there, and recently creating Let's Play: The Sims 3 videos on YouTube. Someday I hope to branch out and record more games, but I don't particularly find what I do in WoW very interesting, and Final Fantasy XIV is rather repetitive and probably not very exciting to watch right now.
My YouTube channel art - |
Earlier this week I created a new Sim with custom content that I uploaded to the Exchange, but I was worried about mentioning links to third-party sites on my blog there, so I decided to create a new blog here so I could post freely.
Darwin St. Clair, male fairy Sim - |
I'm not sure how often I'll be using this, but since I just created it today, I wanted to post here as an official timestamp.
Thanks for stopping by! --Wallin
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